The proven Jive Hosted PBX Platorm including PSTN (phone service) and the Trusted GoTo meeting platform delivered to the client in a single interface for an average price of $19.95 mrc per user. Everything your users need to Meet, Message, and Calling for one price.
The Collaboration Market Leader for a reason. Trusted, Proven, and fully capable of delivering Message, Meet, and Call from the cloud. With bring your own PSTN options or Cloud PSTN options the pricing ranges from $15.95 to $35.95 mrc per user depending on level of user.
The #1 Recognized Name in the Hosted PBX Market with a full suite of offers and capabilities to support Message, Meet, and Calling. With average pricing ranging from $15.95 to $28.95 mrc per user based on feature and function requirements.
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