Cost Management

Technology Sourcing Solutions

Strategic Sourcing Strategy & Solutions

Vendor Consolidation

We provide experts and a platform to both analyze your current spend and provide strategic areas to consolidate to save. We help you Identify areas of leverage but keep an eye on areas of risk management and flexibility.

RFx and Reverse Auction

If you have a large technology purchase in the horizon, or you are a public funded organization we can assist with developing  and managing the entire RFx process. Have you considered a reverse auction to drive down costs?

Operational Spend Management

Lifecycle Service is a focus on what happens after you acquire a new technology. Manage Maintenance renewals the other 11 months, validate the adoption of the technology, and align the workloads to the consumption.

Strategic Sourcing

The first phase of strategic sourcing is visibility. It is difficult manage what you can not see. We assist in delivering a single, real-time dashboard into the company spend from operational to capital costs. Real-time visibility allows you to make informed decisions and to properly align the leverage of your spend with the manufacturers and Service Providers. We are here with the people and technology to help you be the financial hero of your organization! Reach out today for a conversation or demo on the platform.

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