By Brittney Scott
09 Mar, 2020
We are in an age of digitization and workplace transformation, but did you realize the shift would take place overnight? In the weeks since COVID-19 began its rapid spread throughout the United States, more and more companies have made the decision to protect their employees with an emergency work-from-home policy. While remote work was already relatively common in many industries, not every company was prepared for the sudden transition to a fully remote workforce. The questions every company is or should be asking is; how do we support the immediate technology needs to enable large-scale remote work capabilities, how do we keep employees engaged amid all the distractions and change, and what happens when the crisis is over? Will everything return to normal or have we ushered in a new age? The reason new companies adopt technology at a faster pace is due to the emotional challenge of change. New companies are not saddled with legacy policies and approaches. When that barrier is removed, as it appears to be in today's new world, it may prove difficult to go back to yesterday. How is your company coping with the change today and how will it impact your future? Every technology partner we work with (Microsoft, Cisco, LogMeIn, Zoom, Citrix, etc) is offering free access to their platform to help companies manage the immediate need but there should be caution and reason associated to the long-term impact. At D3i we are here to help you navigate the resources available to help your company right now but with a keen eye on how that will be integrated and managed in the future.